Submit Seller Information

    Personal Information

    Full Property Address:

    Street Address (required)

    City (required)



    Seller 1 Info

    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Cell Phone

    Home Phone

    Forwarding Address

    Seller 2 Info



    Cell Phone

    Power Of Attorney

    Will The Seller Be Using A Power Of Attorney?: YesNo

    IF YES, Walker Title, LLC MUST review the POA in advance of settlement. (Please be sure to bring the original to settlement.)

    Name Of Seller Giving Power

    Seller Is Giving Power To


    Seller1 Is A: U.S. CitizenResident alienNon-resident alien
    (If you are a non-resident alien, kindly contact our office right away.)

    Seller's Current Marital Status: Husband & WifeMarried IndividualUnmarried

    Please Provide Social Security Numbers For Each Seller

    Our forms are delivered on a secure network. However, if you prefer, you are always welcome to call our office at: 703-591-2325 and provide us with your social security number. If you prefer to call, please simply enter your name below and then 0000. Your social security number is a time sensitive piece of information that we need to process your file. Please do not delay in getting us this information.

    Seller1 Name

    Seller1 SSN (last 4 only)

    Seller2 Name

    Seller2 SSN (last 4 only)

    Payoff Information

    Lender Name/Phone

    Loan Number

    Lender Name/Phone

    Loan Number

    Payoff 2 Information (if applicable)

    Lender Name/Phone

    Loan Number

    Lender Name/Phone

    Loan Number

    Homeowner Associations

    Association Name


    Association Name



    All commission checks will be sent by way of overnight delivery to the brokerage address as listed in the contract. Instructions for any other means of disbursement must be on company letterhead and must be communicated directly to your assigned processor here at Walker Title.

    Listing Agent %

    Selling Agent %

    Are There Any Administrative Fees: $

    Additional Comments

    Notes or Special Instructions to us


    Please Release Payoff Information To Walker Title, LLC.

    In order to process your sale we will need to collect payoff information from your current lender. The bank will require us to obtain written authorization from you and they will not accept e-signatures.
    *This is a very important step in the processing of your transaction and prompt attention to this is most appreciated.*

    For added security, please enter the verification code shown in the image.
